Always evolving...
Established in 1985, Maxlon Industries Pty Ltd has continually provided a loyal and reliable service for our vast network of customers and suppliers - both in Australia and Internationally.
As a company, we take great pride in being able to supply some of the most exciting, sustainable, innovative and fit-for-purpose packing in the market.
We do this by utilizing equally our experience and contacts to source both industry staples and new innovations to meet the needs of our customers.
Our vision is to provide functional and high-grade products that:
Are environmentally friendly
Fiscally responsible
Don't radically change our lifestyle

Thanks for your interest in Maxlon Industries Pty Ltd. For more information, get in touch with us. We look forward to hearing from you.
Factory 40/74 - 86 Indian Drive
Keysborough, VIC, 3173
+61 (03) 9133 4040